
control experiment 受控[對照]實驗。

control figures

Lastly , a photoelectric detect and correct deviation control experiment table is designed , in which the performance of the linear ccd intelligent detect method and sensor we have studied in this thesis is tested . experiment and simulation show that they have good performance and can satisfy the intelligence detect requirement of typographical mark well . results verify the effectiveness and utility of the intelligence detect method 最后,開發設計了一套光電檢測與糾偏控制實驗臺,在該實驗臺上,對研究的線陣ccd智能檢測方法及其傳感器性能進行了實驗研究和仿真,結果表明其性能指標均能較好地滿足印刷特征標志的智能化檢測要求,驗證了所提出智能檢測方法的有效性和實用性。

The last part examine the results of using the cooperative strategies in bilingual science setting through questionnaire and control experiment , analyzes its advantages and some barriers to implement it it also provides some suggestions for effectively using cooperative strategies to gain success in bilingual science education 第五部分通過問卷調查與準實驗法對合作學習在生物雙語教學中的運用效果進行驗證,分析了合作學習在實踐過程中取得的成效、尚存在的困難和進一步推廣應用的建議。

In the research , a set of simulation equipment is developed to examine the drivers “ static and dynamic fatigue . recur to the apparatus , contrast and control experiment are made among different ages , workload intension and workload factors group . the endings summarize as following : ( 1 ) driving sensation fatigue investigation ( investigation of psychological and physiologic index and contrast investigation of fatigue ) ; continuous driving load and discrete driving load investigation of fatigue ? ?門)駕駛疲勞平衡穩定性是通過在力檢測臺上描繪人體重心軌跡的方法,提出檢測駕駛員疲勞平衡穩定指數,在不同狀態下(傾斜度15 30 ‘以及閉目等狀態下)對不同負荷、不同年齡分別進行測試,建立駕駛疲勞客觀測試評價體系; n )經實驗室研究與現場調查,通過對駕駛疲勞與駕駛時間、駕駛速度等關系的研究,提出了不同年齡、不同條件下的最大連續安全駕駛時間標準,日駕駛時間標準,最大安全行車速度標準等。

In this thesis , the vav decoupling control experiment system based on lonworks technology is set up by means of combination of lon works technology of networks control technology and vav technology . so far , there is no such report in domestic reference . so the experiment system can be regarded as advanced 西安建筑科技大學博士學位論文一本文在變風量空調系統解耦控制的研究過程中,將網絡控制技術中的lonworks技術與變風量空調技術有機地結合起來,建立了基于lonworks技術的變風量空調解耦控制實驗系統,目前國內尚未見到有關這方面的報道,該實驗系統在國內具有先進水平。

Burning the mixed oil of the burning oil of biomass - diesel take on the excellence in motility and economy . it is importance to development of alternative fuel . 4 the author do the control experiment of mixed oil of 10 % low temperature the burning oil of biomass - diesel 4作者分別做了10低溫階段生物質燃油和柴油混合、 10高溫階段物質燃油和柴油混合、 20低溫階段生物質燃油和柴油混合、 20高溫階段物質燃油和柴油混合的混合油的臺架試驗。

This scheme acquires various signals of the thj - 2 process control system experiment device and transfers them to the up - controller to real - time control and display . the hardware and software design of the process control experiment system base on pxi bus is detailed in the paper 該方案是采用了pxi總線技術,利用labwindows / cvi軟件平臺將過程制實驗系統“ thj - 2型過程控制實驗裝置”各種信號采集到上位機進行實時顯示,并對其進行控制。

Many scientists also say that it is impossible to prove animals have emotions using standard scientific methods - - repeatable observations that can be manipulated in controlled experiments - - leading them to conclude that such feelings must not exist 許多科學家認為用通常標準的科學方法來證實動物有情感是不可能的,因為這種反復的觀察實驗在受控的實驗中能受到操縱,這就使這些科學家得出結論,即動物的這種情感是不存在的。

Under different positions of a tripping wire or speeds of the side jet , the controlled experiments were made , including the receptivity of the shear layer near jet exit to acoustic excitations , the spatial development of fluctuating velocity and the profiles of mean velocity 在不同絆線位置或不同旁射流流速條件下,研究了射流出口臨近剪切層對聲激勵的感受性,脈動流速向下游的空間演化及平均流速剖面。

With highest respective boundary pbl parameter scheme , we devise five test projects : control experiment and sensitive experiments without sensible heat flux , without latent heat flux , without sensible and latent heat flux , without terrain 在高分辨率邊界pbl參數化方案下設計5組試驗方案,對幾個個例風場進行模擬檢驗:控制試驗、無感熱試驗、無潛熱試驗、無感熱無潛熱試驗、無地形試驗。

In tracing the steps of government mind control experiments , the trail leads to legal and illegal usages , usage for covert intelligence operations , and experiments on innocent people who were unaware that they were being used 在跟隨政府精神控制實驗步驟中,這個跟隨過程導致了合法和非法的使用,用于隱藏了秘密情報的操作,而實驗也用于無辜的人類,而他們并沒有意識到他們正被利用著。

This paper introduces the static control experiment of biogas desulfuration , and quantitative effects of controllable factors on desulfuration , such as reaction time , temperature , total gas input , air input and stuffing , were presented 摘要本文介紹沼氣生物脫硫靜態對照實驗,并對反應時間、反應溫度、總進氣量、空氣量、填料等相關可控因子對脫硫過程的影響進行了定量研究。

In the attitude determination experiment , star sensor hardware is introduced into the control loop to correct the gyro bias . in the attitude control experiment , firstly using reaction thrusters to perform large - angle slew and then 姿態確定實驗中引入星敏感器實物到控制回路中對陀螺數學模型中的漂移進行修正;姿態控制實驗中先進行噴氣大角度控制后用飛輪進行穩定控制。

The thesis also shows that we have fulfilled hisc controlling experiment in autombile - break - platform - frame - test system through a lot of simulation reseaches and practical applications . its practical result is satisfacting 本文應用仿人智能控制理論( hisc ) ,通過大量的研究、仿真及現場實際應用,實現了汽車制動器臺架試驗系統的仿人智能控制,實際運行結果令人滿意。

In order to study the reliability of the devices efficiently , an automatic program - controlled experiment system and a data processing system were developed . those systems had the features of quickness , convenience and high precision 為了高效地評估器件的可靠性,我們建立并優化了器件的可靠性實驗系統與數據分析系統,這種系統具有方便快捷,準確度高的特點。

Owing to the high performance of the pxi bus , the process control experiment system based on the pxi bus in this article gains a lot of improve on both real - time , stability , flexibility and the precision of the system 理論分析和現場調試結果表明,本文研制的基于pxi總線的過程控制實驗系統無論是在實時性、穩定性、靈活性還是在系統精度等方面都有很大的提高。

At last , computer simulation and practical lane tracking control experiments were processed according to this new method and the results showed that this method could control the vehicle autonomous tracking the navigation lane accurately 完成了計算機仿真和實際路徑跟蹤控制試驗,試驗結果表明該神經網絡控制器能夠很好地實現對導航路徑的自主跟蹤控制。

Finally , an experimental system is built and used to 11 evaluate the performance of the robotic visual servo system . these results for position control experiments indicate that the system performance is good 最后,針對矩形物體進行了定位實驗,實驗結果表明,該直角坐標機器人視覺伺服系統能夠很好地在視野范圍內實現定位抓取動作。

Based on it , a dynamics control experiment platform for a 7 - dof anthropomorphic manipulator has been constructed , and several experiments have been done to illustrate the power of the platform to implement many advanced control algorithms 在此基礎上,設計了仿人手臂動力學控制實驗平臺,并通過實驗驗證了其實現高級控制算法的能力。

The measurements and control experiments of the smart devices have been carried out , and the smart positioning actuator has been tested on the physical experiment bench . all experiments have showed good results 智能裝置分別進行了測量和控制實驗,其中智能位置控制器在物理實驗臺上實驗通過,均取得了良好的效果。